Thursday, March 31, 2011

Aaaaaand GO!

Finally boarding! The trip begins!

Waiting's the hardest part

Meeting at TAPA at 5:15am
Taking a bus from TAPA to Taoyuan International Airport ✓
Checking in to EVA Airlines Flight 265 to Phnom Penh ✓
Running through security ✓
Going through immigration ✓
Waiting at the gate ✓
Boarding the plane 

As we sit here waiting to board the plane, the feeling of excitement is palpable. The students are running around excited, waiting to begin their journey. Wish us safe travels!

Up, up, and away!

Hello, Everyone-

This is the first official post of our adventure! It's been a busy week wrapping up the last minute details to make our departure smooth. Letters went out to the parents to make sure they have contact information for us while we are gone. Official Cambodia Trip T-Shirts were delivered to TAPA and will be our traveling day apparel. Our trip Field Guide Journals were delivered to TAPA and passed out to all of our trip participants. Anticipation is building!!

We will begin on our journey in a few short hours by meeting at TAPA at 5:15 a.m. on Thursday, March 31, 2011. Our flight leaves Taoyuan Airport around 9:00 a.m. and is scheduled to touch down in Cambodia around 11:30 a.m. local time (one hour behind Taiwan). From there we will eat a quick lunch and board a bus to Siem Reap where we will spend the first half of our trip! In the evening we will get our tickets for Ankor Wat temples for Friday's adventure there, and then go find something to eat in town together.

Stay tuned for updates of our adventures!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sophal Ear: Escaping the Khmer Rouge

At today's meeting, students will be watching an inspiring TED video about a man who experienced a pretty typical story from Cambodia in the 1970s.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

2 weeks until departure!

TAPA & TAAS's mission trip to Cambodia is coming up 2 weeks from today! How exciting!