Saturday, April 9, 2011

Special Feature: God's work in my life (by Alix)

Our trip is drawing to a close, and our group has spent some time reflecting on what we have seen and how it has impacted us. We did a Vespers program to start the Sabbath for the staff at our sister-school CAS. At that service, 6 students talked about Bible verses that made a difference in their lives and gave testimonies about their experiences, both on this trip and surrounding their Adventist education experience. One of our students, Alix, agreed to share her writeup with us for this blog.

I've been to a few schools in my life; the on I attended longest was, and probably still is, one of the best international schools in the world. Prestigious on a global level with state of the art technology, they boast of some of the best facilities and a student body of about 2000 and upwards. I enjoyed the privilege of being in a school that was advanced architecturally, technologically, and materially. There were so many students, however, that the teachers were mere acquaintances of familiar faces you see, but they never became friends, mentors, or anything much more than passer-by's in the hallways.

When I moved to Taiwan and was enrolled in an Adventist academy that consisted of only two humble buildings at the heart of a city, I instantly presumed the worst. On the first day of school, immediately, a difference became apparent to me; all of the teachers wanted to make friends with me. At first, I figured they had some ulterior motive, thus I withdrew from everyone around me. I barely, if ever, participated in any extracurricular activities, nor did I care to make friends with people. It took me a while to realize there was no hidden agenda, and that the teachers genuinely wanted to share Jesus with the students. Being exposed to the gospel of God's abounding love and grace, I became more and more interested in the Biblical Truth. I had exhausted all my external sources to obtain answers before I finally looked to the teachers in school.

At last, all my frustrations and confusions were being addressed to with answers that are not only satisfying but also undoubtedly Biblical. Months of Bible studies with the school chaplain and attending church alongside of my teachers became the foundation for the sense of community and belonging that soon resulted. My teachers became more than just teachers; they became friends, they became mentors, and they became the family I had always been searching for.

It is the wish of all teachers to see growth in their students, but only Christian teachers would strive towards the goal of helping students obtain eternal life. I have personally experienced how the Holy Spirit leads and guides teachers to spread God's love. I have seen how God works through the school to reveal Christ, and it was only through the teachers being living testimonies and becoming real life examples of Scripture that I came to know God and to finally become baptized. Their lives also impressed upon me to change my own. I began to understand the importance and potential impact of reflecting Christ. From withdrawn to displaying cheerfulness, from apathetic to empathetic I was transformed. If it was not for the influence my school and my teachers, as well as God had on me, I would probably not be here on this trip. I would not have been able to visit all the schools I was able to visit either. At the orphanage, I saw children who lived simply, deprived of many luxuries I took for granted back at home, yet they had so much enthusiasm and zeal for life. They had energy, they had hope, they had joy, but more than all that, they had Jesus, and I believe, they will have Him there to guide them, to lead them, and to love them for all of their lives.

They have something more precious than any other form of education could offer. In the end, it does not matter how much knowledge you have, ho much money you have, nor does it matter how much favor you can gain from mankind. The kids in the various Adventist schools visited on this trip have solidified the truth that only God is the source of success, the source of love and joy, but better than all that, He is the source of eternal life.

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