Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What I learned: Linda

Now that we've returned back to Taiwan from our trip to Cambodia, we wanted to take some time to think back on the experiences that we had over the last two weeks. I asked my student Linda to write up her feelings on a moment that she'll really remember forever from this trip.

All of us have been through a lot during this trip. We left our warm and comfortable homes and joined this mission trip. Although there were tiredness, sadness and hardness during this trip, we did not complain but worked together to go through the difficulties. I believe after this trip, we all grew up a lot.

On Sunday, we went to visit the Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields. Although I had already read about the book, first they kill my father; I was still shocked to see the horrible truth. First, we visited the Killing Fields. There, we saw many graves of dead bodies and bones of the bodies. There is a building that stores many bones of heads. It really made me feel so angry that how they could kill these people so cruelly. They are all from the same countries. Why they could do this? Later on, we went to the Genocide Museum. We saw a video about people’s memories of genocide. In this video, I learned the most important thing in the world, forgiveness. If people did not forgive others after the war, there would cause more blood and sufferings. Think of the children’s smiles there, I really believe forgiveness is very powerful.

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